THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL pdf free download. Tell me, ye prim adepts in Scandal’s school, Who rail by precept, and detract by rule, Lives there no character, so tried, so known, So deck’d with grace, and so unlike your own, That even you assist her fame to raise, Approve by envy, and by silence praise!— Attend!—a model shall attract your view— Daughters of calumny, I summon you! You shall decide if this a portrait prove, Or fond creation of the Muse and Love.— Attend, ye virgin critics, shrewd and sage, Ye matron censors of this childish age, Whose peering eye and wrinkled front declare A fixt antipathy to young and fair; By cunning, cautious; or by nature, cold, In maiden madness, virulently bold!— Attend! ye skilled to coin the precious tale, Creating proof, where innuendos fail! Whose practised memories, cruelly exact, Omit no circumstance, except the fact!— Attend, all ye who boast,—or old or young,
THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL pdf free download
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