The Apple of Discord pdf free download


The Apple of Discord pdf free download. Colonel Wharton Kendrick leaned back in his chair, stroked his red sidewhiskers
reflectively, and looked across the table with an expression of
embarrassment on his round ruddy face. For the moment his command of
words had evidently failed him.
As embarrassment and failure of language were equally foreign to his
nature, I was confirmed in a growing suspicion that there had been an ulterior
purpose behind his cordial invitation to luncheon. The meal had been a good
one, and he was paying for it, and so I felt that I owed him my moral support.
Therefore, I returned such a look of encouragement as might properly express
the feelings of a fledgling attorney toward a millionaire who was the probable
source of active litigation, and waited for him to speak.
“See here, Hampden,” he said at last; “you know something about my row
with Peter Bolton, don’t you?”
“The Bolton-Kendrick feud is a part of my very earliest recollections

The Apple of Discord pdf free download

The Apple of Discord pdf free download
The Apple of Discord pdf free download

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