Shorter-Term Psychotherapy pdf free download


Shorter-Term Psychotherapy pdf free download. Our patients present us with an overwhelming amount of data that we must understand. Whether we know it or not, we have a theory, an organizational schema, that we use to make sense of the information. The theory, whatever one we choose, will clarify some things about our patients; but it will obscure other things. James Gustafson put the dilemma this way: “I say there is no
universal method of brief psychotherapy. . .. Every observing position has its advantages, its successes, and its dangers. Every position has a periphery, where important phenomena will occur and be missed, because of the center of interest of that position” (1986, p. 7). This limitation holds as well for the contributions of self psychology.

Shorter-Term Psychotherapy pdf free download

Shorter-Term Psychotherapy pdf free download
Shorter-Term Psychotherapy pdf free download

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