Reinventing Romantic Poetry pdf free download


Reinventing Romantic Poetry pdf free download. This study offers some preliminary suggestions toward rethinking Russian Romanticism, issues of canonicity, and the place of mid-nineteenth-century women poets in the history of Russian literature. While the question of whether Russia had a Romantic movement has been debated,1 most scholars agree that Romanticism was a pan-European phenomenon with national variations, one of which was Russian. René Wellek has defined three underlying elements common to all national Romantic movements, Russia’s included: first, a view of poetry for which the imagination, rather than rationality, is central; second, a view of the world for which nature, rather than a mechanistic universe, is central; and third, a view of poetic style for which symbol and myth, rather than allegory, are central

Reinventing Romantic Poetry pdf free download

Reinventing Romantic Poetry pdf free download

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