How to Solve Your Own Murder pdf free download


How to Solve Your Own Murder pdf free download. YOUR FUTURE CONTAINS DRY BONES. MADAME PEONY LANE LOOKS somber as she delivers the opening line of a fortune that will dictate the rest of Frances Adams’s life. Frances is quiet, her eyes fixed on the woman in front of her, though her two friends giggle at the terrible theatrics. From the gaudy beaded curtains adorning the tent to Peony Lane’s tacky silk turban, the whole thing screams Hollywood kitsch.

How to Solve Your Own Murder pdf free download

Peony Lane herself can’t be more than twenty, though she’s adding a rasp to her voice in an attempt to seem ageless. It isn’t quite working. It’s all so flimsy that none of them should take her seriously, and almost none of them do. Except for Frances. She takes in every word as if it’s gospel. And with each new line of her fortune, her expression tightens just a bit.

How to Solve Your Own Murder pdf free download

Like hot water teasing out its boiling point, giving off steam but not yet ready to erupt. When the girls leave the darkness of the psychic’s tent, Frances doesn’t even blink in the bright August sun. Her hair is long and loose, and it glows red-gold. A man selling toffee apples gives her a lingering glance, but she doesn’t notice him. She doesn’t notice much of anything after the grim prediction she’s just been handed.

How to Solve Your Own Murder pdf free download

How to Solve Your Own Murder pdf free download

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