How to Manifest Your Desires pdf free download


How to Manifest Your Desires pdf free download. This is going to be a very practical course. Therefore, I hope that everyone in this class has a very clear picture of what he desires, for I am convinced that you can realize your desires by the technique you will receive here this week in these five lessons. That you may receive the full benefit of these instructions, let me state now that the Bible has no reference at all to any persons who ever existed or to any event that ever occurred upon earth.

How to Manifest Your Desires pdf free download

The ancient storytellers were not writing history but an allegorical picture lesson of certain basic principles which they clothed in the garb of history, and they adapted these stories to the limited capacity of a most uncritical and credulous people. The difference between the form of the Bible and its substance is as great as the difference between a grain of corn and the life germ without that grain.

How to Manifest Your Desires pdf free download

As our assimilative organs discriminate between food that can be built into our system and food that must be discarded, so do our awakened intuitive faculties discover beneath allegory and parable, the psychological life-germ of the Bible; and, feeding on this, we too, cast off the form which conveyed the message.

How to Manifest Your Desires pdf free download

How to Manifest Your Desires pdf free download

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