Create Your Own Future by Brian Tracy pdf free download


Create Your Own Future by Brian Tracy pdf free download. Once upon a time, a long time ago, in a land far away, there lived an old man in a house on top of a hill. He had dedicated his entire life to study and meditation. He was known far and wide for his intelligence, sensitivity, and wisdom. Politicians, businesspeople, and dignitaries came to visit him and ask him questions. His answers were always correct. He seemed to have a special faculty that enabled him to cut to the essence of any problem or issue.

Create Your Own Future by Brian Tracy pdf free download

When his answers and solutions were implemented, the result was always excellent. His fame soon spread through out the land. In the village below the hill was a group of boys who played together. Sometimes they climbed the hill to visit the old man and ask him questions, for which he always seemed have the correct answer. Over time, it became a little game, with the boys continually trying to think of a question that the old man could not answer. But they were never successful.

Create Your Own Future by Brian Tracy pdf free download

One day, the ringleader of the group, a boy named Aram, called the others around him and said, I have finally found a way to stump the old man. Here in my hand, I have a bird. We will go and ask the old man if the bird is alive or dead. If he says that it is dead, I will release it and it will fly away. If he says that it is alive, I will crush it, and the bird will be dead. Either way, he will at last have been proven wrong.

Create Your Own Future by Brian Tracy pdf free download

Create Your Own Future by Brian Tracy pdf free download

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